Friday, July 17, 2009

the third person narrative.

~The Neon Duck is going through a very odd time.

~Where she can't do anything useful.

~She doesn't feel the need to write.

~Half the time she she doesn't practise cello.

"Frick!" She exclaimed while writing this on her trusty blog, "Is it Friday already?" contemplating that she really needs to practise and doesn't feel the need to, which brought her back to the blogging.

So The Neon Duck continued to blog about the incredible lack of meaning her days have come to posses.

She stopped thinking about this while she absently listened to her Aunt cooking downstairs.

Then she wonders if this has anything to do with writing, she plays with the idea of starting a new story for the umpteenth time since she had the annoying conversation with her sister the day before in which Emily failed to be helpful and inadvertently insulted every fiber that The Neon Duck enjoyed about herself.

But no matter, The Neon Duck moves on to contemplating how her sister became so unhelpful, so uninterested. Duck withdraws from these thoughts not wanting to know the answer with an irking suspicion in the back of her mind.

At least, she thinks, at least I still feel the need to read, seeing as, thanks to b my summer reading list is growing daily.

She also ponders that it really is preposterous to talk about her own life in third person because it is too boring to use a narritative voice.

So she bid farewell to her friends and signed off, thinking that she really needed to get the the root (or multiple roots) of her problems.


b2the3 said...

Oh, Ducky. I think we'll keep you.
I'm sorry, I probably sound naggy, but the word is practice. With a "C", so you can think "Oh, I need to practiCe my Cello." because cello starts with c.
Am I, or am I not, just a kindergarten mess waiting to happen?

Neon Duck said...

Thank you B, I'll keep that in mind, sighhhh but could you focus on the POINT of the post because believe it or not, I did have a meaning, and I need help.

b2the3 said...

go to the cmam. look at pictures and write what it makes you feel or who it makes you think of. Get your creative juices into your subconcious and your brain will thank you for it.

pookieface :] said...

Ahh, the unavoidable feeling of being on the outside. Just on the verge of laziness and apathy. Help call people, do something, write a story about dinosaurs, as B said, get your creative juices flowing, forget about Auntie Em. Some things just dont need to be faced right away.

Neon Duck said...

you know....your both right. Thank you guys. I think you guys are by far the most brilliant people I could ever wish to have in my life.


Thank you so much, I am in your debt

*Twirls with glee and dissaperates*

pookieface :] said...

Aw shucks! *bashful smile*