Sunday, June 27, 2010

what i'm up to

the days pass slow and the minutes pass slower.
i miss hanging out with you guys all at once.
i really need to sit down and actually learn the parade music.
i really need to sit down and actually learn how to play tuba.
i almost just said that i need to learn to play tuna.
that sounds really gross.
looking forward to band camp.
and the pig roast? not so much.
in a difficult place with youth group.
allie got her wisdoms out and looks like a chipmunk... lol.
i'm in a rut.
i know longer like the west pool. i spend too much time alone there.
i kind of miss isaiah and will and them.
glad i know where super-manning lives.
going to stalk her tomorrow :)
watched beauty and the beast 3 times this weekend
watched about four hours of avatar the last airbender with doug.
got rid of mike and doug for the weekend.
they were at pokemon nationals.
didn't make it to worlds... muwahahaha!
and that is all.

la bourdon (thats french for 'the bumble bee' <3)

Friday, June 18, 2010


I'm feeling a little nostalgic, I just watched Toy Story 3. IT was very good....but a little dark, for pixar.

Ums, 5 days left of summer gym! 5 days left of gym period! THEN I CAN GET AS FAT AS I WANT WITH NO GYM TEACHER TO ANSWER TO!

My sense of humor is coming back!

I"m getting all sorts of things accomplished!

But I miss seeing you all together.

I believe a hang out is in order.

I went to FYE and blew all my money on music (MY ONE WEAKNESS)

Music of the Minute:
Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros
Airbourne Toxic Event
The Mountain Goats

I've been a crazy British drama rampage! ONE BBC MINISERIES AFTER ANOTHER AND ANOTHER!


Loving summer!

Not too much music being written, but wait! I've been working on a piano part for shades of blue.

SO that is all.


Sunday, June 13, 2010

i need a hug

kentucky was hell. nobody talked to me the whole time. i was so alone. AND i forgot stamps so i did write to you guys, but they wouldn't get any where with out postage. didn't make it to saana's because i passed out the second i got home and no one woke me up. i had to deal with cassie jo drama alllllllllllll day. i have three people outwardly hate me (FOR NO REASON!!!!!) and an entire youth group inwardly pity me. grrrrrg. and mr. o wants me to switch instruments... again. not baritone. sousaphone. because christain said no. i thought i was back in love with ocean blue, but then he was a jerk to me so i hate myself and him sooooooooo much. would someone come steal me away because unless i get ME out of my head i may explode.
i love you guys.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Day #1

Hey guys, so I left for Florida around 6:30 this morning and drove for about 13 hours! It was pretty uneventful. There was a lot of farm land, and then tons of trees, billboards, and more trees. Nothing much to look at. Now we're in Savannah, Georgia and are going to stay here all day tomorrow to see stuff around here. Oh! On the way here we stopped at this one gas station and there was an old person biker gang! I was going to get them on video, but they probably would have stabbed me. Anyways, in the gas station there were a bunch of jars of pigs feet, it was really nasty, so I took a picture to show you guys later. A little while after we left there we saw the gang on the road and I got some really funny video of them. Speaking of video, I don't think I'll be able to post any videos until we're actually at the condo in Florida. I really tried getting it to work on the laptop but you all know how much technology loves me, therefor I'll have no videos for you for the next few days. Oh my god, the best part was this gas station we passed called El Cheapo! I thought it was hilarious...don't judge, me there was nothing interesting to look at so the El Cheapo was a nice change. The tree covered mountains lost their magic after about a mile. You know what I love about the south? It's hot, it's way prettier than flat Ohio, and every place you go has sweet tea. You know what I hate about the south? They're all confederates and want to burn us. Anyways, I miss all of you guys so much already! MW, there were a ton of moments when I found myself thinking "Wow, MW would make some hilarious perverted comment about this", I can't believe I'm actally saying that I miss your perverted-ness, haha. I'll get some videos up as soon as I can. I love you guys!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

High School Sucks

Hey guys! So I just happened to come across this video last night and I wanted you to see it. I know I personally hate how high school is portrayed in tv and movies, so this video kind of made my day. Plus, the song is really catchy and I can't get it out of my head. I tried to upload it straight to the blog a million times but once I got it the video was too wide and it got covered up by the bar thing on the right. So I'm just going to post the URL and you can watch it on youtube.

I don't know exactly what this is going to be...I think eventually they're making a full length film out of it, but it'll be something only played to youtube? I really have no idea. You can look into it more (they have their own channel), but I just thought the song was awesome!

Monday, June 7, 2010

first day of summeeeeeer!

yes, that is pronounced suh-meeeeeeeer ;]
ahhhhhhhhhh you do not understand how tired i am! for the past 2 days pretty much all i've done is sleep and read, and im getting sick. Yeah, crazy right? im pretty sure its my bodys way of saying "hey! Lindsey doenst have anything she has to do anymore, and she still doesnt have a life, so lets make every cell ache and get sick!" Thanks, body. and i feed you so well... haha :] omg im like so loopy right now....

(MW can skip this next part if he desires)
Liv, i thought of you today, i was bra shopping and found this one that looks like you. you know what i mean. i didnt buy it though...

OMG! im reading Percy Jackson, and im on Sea Of Monsters right now.... its so goooooood! and then Kates got mad at me because shes been reading it for weeks and i was reading it just today and im farther than her and now shes all mad because she says she never gets to finish books before me, which is only partially true, and told me to not read it before she finishes it. But it will take her forever! she doesnt even like reading! and theres 6 (right ND?) books in the series so am i going to have to wait for her to finish all of those too?!?!?! ugh :/

i love you alllllll and miss alllllllllllllllllllllllllllll of youuuuuus so we should hang when im better and not all crazy in the walnut :]
<3 Pook!e!kooP <3

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Well boys and girls:

So depression returns...on the first week of break?!? Really?

I'm sorry your parents don't trust you MB, mine don't really either.

I'll miss you, b and haybug. Go save the world +)

What is wrong with me? I had everything together yesterday.

I guess I'll go write some crap songs....or like sleep this off....maybe hang with Bart.....

What is wrong with me?


you can all expect letters from me this week! except maybe jesse... i don'thave you adress. oh! and hay who will be with me. i'll be headed south for a mission trip. gonna build a roof!!!
i just wanted to let you guys that i love you and set up a new playlist for you. :)
k... i'll see you next saturday!


Thursday, June 3, 2010


Well I just got an 80% on that STUPID test. Ah well it shouldn’t be too big of a deal…but if I got an 80 on that I’m COMPLETELY AND MOST ROYALY SCREWED for bio. Dear God in heaven I am so done with school! Like, literally. It’s summer. I’M FINISHED! I’m trying to make myself excited by using LOTS OF CAPITAL LETTERS AND EXCLAMATION POINTS!!!!!!!!


Not too excited yet….my grades are bringing me down. I’m REALLY worried about all these final grades…I’ve worked so hard to get A’s all year and now this just makes all that work kinda useless.

I just need to see how I did and I’ll be fine….I’m a spaz cake.

So anyway Em broke her knee cap on Sunday and that was really scary. She went to the ER but they just did x rays and recommended a docter…I wonder if they always do that. Like if I went in there and my brain was falling out and I was thrasing around in pain if they would x ray it and refer me to a good doctor. So she’s going to the doctor today and they’ll tell her if she needs sugery…let’s hope not!

So I’ve been playing nurse all week for my Emilybelle, and Matt’s been over a lot and I’ve been studying for exams that I’ve failed and all this sort of crap and now I’m done and I still happen to be FREAKING OUT.