The word of the week this week is (drum roll please!!!) VEGEMITE!!!
According to Wikipedia.Org, (my favorite site ever! It's almost as randomly useful as I am!) Vegemite: "is a dark brown food paste made from yeast extract, used mainly as a spread on sandwiches, toast and cracker biscuits, as well as a filling of pastries like Cheesymite scroll, in Australia. It is similar to British and New Zealand Marmite and to Swiss Cenovis."
According to, Vegemite can be defined as: an Australian vegetable extract used as a flavoring or spread.
According to B's Brain the PROPER definiation follows:
Vegemite (VEH-jah-mite): n disgusting brown goo that falls somewhere between Nutella (hazelnut stuff), gravy, and peanut butter.
I hope this clears up any vegemite inquiries that you may have. I realize I was a little heavy on the hyperlinks, please forgive.
Friday, June 26, 2009
B's Word of the Week
Posted by b2the3 at 8:16 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Statements that need to be said.
There are a few statements that don't get said very often by humans today, and if we did use them we would all become better communicates. Think of it as a promise that I will use these in future, and I hope the rest of humanity will too.
So, here we go:
~I'm having a really sucky day, you would do well not to talk to me.- because sometimes we just shouldn't be talked to
~I'm mad at you (irritated, frustrated, infuriated, incensed) - because everyone hides their feelings.
~You are a good person (You are a talented person, you are a pretty person) - I think everyone should hear an honestly earnest compliment every once and a while.
~I am content -seriously everyone always want something, or someone or something else, what if we all just sat back with the contentedness that comes when we let go of wants.
~May the force be with you - it's seriously a very helpful quote, and it's only used in very small social circles.
~I need help - a clear plead for help in the dark works magic
~I'm sorry - too often are conflicts resolved with meaningless words, another good one is 'I was at fault'
~Music- when we're happy why can't we just burst into song?
~Neon Duck
Posted by Neon Duck at 12:46 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Yeah uhm.. Hey!
Uhm i just wanted you all to know that i never really left. XD i've always been here. checking in. Surprised you guys didn't figure that out.. yeah, never left. =D always been here. comments have been raging recently. yeah i just don't listen to the playlist for the record =D i just listen to different music than you guys.
Posted by dark_athene at 3:51 PM 5 comments
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
On a Musical Note:
Hehe. I was punny.
Suggestions are always open for the playlist. Just as a reminder. Plus, if there's some super annoying song you want removed, we can have a vote or something. Opps! I just double posted. Too bad.
Posted by b2the3 at 7:06 PM 4 comments
Speaking "Car"
So, for those of you who are unaware, my sister has had her temps since March. I know, I'm suprised y'all are still alive, too. Anyways, I've picked up some hilliarious lingo my parentals like to use to get her to do the right stuff behind the wheel. I thought I might share a few of my favorites along with their secret meanings:
- Curb Alert!!: Your sister is about to flip this car on its side by hitting the side of the street
- Lane Gutter (i.e. "Get out of the lane gutter!" actually this one is my dad only.): The space between two lanes that could possibly get us t-boned
- Gas it!: We are going 40 mph on the freeway (where if you don't want to get killed you better be at least going 60)
- GO!: the defination seems fairly oblvious, but sissy dear has yet to catch on that when my mom/dad say "GO!" they actually mean to step on the gas pedal
- Reaching over to take the steering wheel (this is an action, by the way, not a phrase): Allison, you're being totally incompetant (what else is new?). Let me fix this. (it never ceases to scare me when she does this.)
Needless to say, I'd rather not put my life in Allie's hands any time soon (again), because most of the time somebody is yelling one or more of these things. HELP!
A Frightened Little Bumble B
Posted by b2the3 at 6:32 PM 2 comments
Saturday, June 13, 2009
DAMN IT B!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yeah okay, I admit it, a full bloody 2 minutes after the bet. do you want money now or later? Just don't draw it out...I'm pathetic enough already.
I'm not going to cry, B, but this is going to hurt more than I've let myself believe.
Posted by Neon Duck at 7:37 PM 15 comments
Must there be a reason? No.
Hey people. So there's really no point to this post, I just feel like I havn't posted anything recently. Just wanted to inform you about what's going on in my life right now.
~Got the most awesome pair of chucks EVER! (hopefully I'll get a picture of them up soon, they're way to hard to know what? I'll just do it now... ... ...)
~So there they are. I hope that photo is in the right spot. I've obviously never uploaded a photo before, it's sad I know. So, do you like 'em? I do. I guess I better since they were $60. Converse are the best shoes ever, but they're so dang expensive!
~Drove three hours in my mom's tiny car with my sister, her boyfriend, and his sister. Not. Fun.
~ Dropped them off at Cedar Point and then laughed because it was cold and raining.
~ The manager at Journeys told us his whole life story while we were checking out. No wonder he works there, he never finished college. You know, it really amazes me how people will tell a complete stranger everythin about themselves...
~ "Squirrels don't eat chocolate!"
~ Spent three hours going through music for Pookie and I'm still only on the fifth CD. I hope you're happy Pooks!
~ Went to an informal party thing to meet the Bradley clarinets. We watched Phantom of the Opera (since that's our band show). The whole thing was fun, but slightly akward. And does anyone else think Raoul is an idiot in that movie?
~ "Never again will I look at sinks the same..."
~ Watched a bit of youtube because I was waiting for my sister to stop reading so I could finish a movie, and found this hillarious guy, Shane Dawson. Go to He is so freaking funny, it acually made me laugh. Not like when people text lol but arn't really laughing. I hate that. I was cracking up at his videos. Warning: He does cuss a lot and likes using the F word, and is inappropriate(sp?) at times. But if you don't mind that kind of stuff then you'll love his videos. Just thought I would share that.
~ I've been through a whole case of Sunkist within the past three days.
~ June 24th, Neon...June 24th...
~"Um, you can't eat that you're on a diet." "Screw the diet! This is America!"
~ Do you find it creepy that my sister made a Sim version of herself and her boyfriend, had them get married and then have four children named Caden, Adam, Sterling, and Scarlet? I do.
~ Got Capital camp on Monday (haha, I almost spelled that 'Munday') and I'm so not ready for auditions yet...great.
~ I should be practicing for that insted ( there an 'a' in insted...instead?...) of being on this blog, but I couldn't resist after I saw B saying how awesome it is now on facebook. She was right. It's sweet. Awesome job B.
~ I have to go finish Nightmere on Elm Street, I've got to say, I'm a little disipointed with it so far.
- Peace, Love, No Twilight! ~HappyCload~
~ God, I love this little squiggly key if you havn't noticed! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Posted by HappyCload at 5:22 PM 6 comments
Friday, June 12, 2009
Just completely horridly horrible news.
So this morning i was sleeping and then i hear my mom say "Are you awake?" and i feel my brother and sister next to me. then she says, ""Hey guys i have some really bad news. but i brought donuts. This is very very sad news." so we're like, "ok, what is it." and she says "Last night Cat was hit by a car. she didnt make it." I burst out crying and so did katy. nick even cried a little. then i jumped out of bed and grabbbed my clothes and changed. my mom was like, "where are you going?" "Idk. anywhere but here." so i rode my bike over to the ponds and sat at the picnic table sobbing. then i finnally stopped a little. thats when i realised i had stuck my arm in bird crap. gross. then later my mom was like "Dont worry, shes not all torn up or anything, and she was in the yard not the street. i think she just got hit in the head." which was pretty much the worst thing to say so i sarted crying harder. then she was like "Well have a little funeral for her later but i dont think you guys really want to see her, because shes not cute any more, and i dont want that to be your memory of her." Which OF COURSE made me cry even harder, and get a picture of a mangled up Cat in my brain. so i left and rode around the neighborhood again. not even sprinkle donuts could make up for this. but i ate it anyway.... im in serious need for some chocolate. No more Cat jumping crazily around trying to get a bug, or her meowing at the door when we dont pet her enough, or rolling around in the dirt, or running in and out of my path when im tumbling in my yard, or rubbing against my legs when im eating dinner outside. no more giving her the left over chicken from my plate, or milk in the morning. and what sucks is ill always be expecting her to be outside. and i'll be outside most of the summer.
in memory of Cat, im putting up a picture i took of her a while ago:
~*pookieface=[ *~
Posted by pookieface :] at 8:35 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Ladedadeda.... :]
WELL... im off to cincinati in about.... 2 hours.... so dont call my house until friday afternoon cuz i will not be there. and i doubt you would want to talk to my siblings...
GUESS WHAT!!!???!!!???
i... um... sorta met this guy... (This is for real, im not just messing with ya like i did that one time to neon ducky...) laast night at my sisters game. it was at municipal, so me and my bro headed over to the skate park, cuz hed brought his bike. a few minutes after we got there this other guy on a bike showed up. i was like "HOLY CRAP IS HE SMOKIN HOT!" and so i finally talked to him for a little, and then he and my bro were taking alot, and get this... (dream come true here) hes done motocross since he was 6, and bmx for 2 years. :] i have always wanted to do motocross. *sigh* PLUS HE CAN DRIVE! and he goes to Davidson.... :] :] :] then these skaters who were totally high came to the skate park so we relocated to the dirt park and talked there and rode for a while. his name is Devon something-that-starts-with-a-'d'. omg, he was soooooo hot. and really nice. but i was totally lost like half the time because i didnt really know what him and my bro were talking about... but now i am proud to say i know the difference between a 1 pc and 3 pc crank, i know what a hub is and a sprocket. i already knew what the frame, fork and seat were. so yeah, it was cool. :]
so thats whats going on in my life, however pathetic and boy-crazed it might be...
so whats new with the rest of you?
<3 Pookie <3
Posted by pookieface :] at 6:00 AM 11 comments