Thursday, January 29, 2009

Sorry guys....

I apologize, B, I hate hacking into your account but I had to change it, I believe I've stated in the past that blue hearts scare me...there you have it, I was avoiding coming to the blog because the layout was hideous. So I don't care you can change it just PLEASE, I BEG YOU skip the blue hearts.


Friday, January 23, 2009

Sleep... good

I. am. soooo. TIRED!!!!! I stayed up way too late studing last night and it's getting to me. I'm taking the SAT tomarrow andI can't find my calulator. HELP! Sever is practicly stalking me. It is SO not funny anymore. I'm going to go take a bath. But before I do...
Pew Stack!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

When i grow up...

'When i grow up i wanna be in movies, i wanna have nice cars, i wanna have groupies.'


When I grow up i wanna be an airborne ninja, flip over walls and do parkour... is more like it!

Watch and learn sistah', watch and learn.

Oh yeah baybee!!!

Monday, January 19, 2009

For the electric fowl....

Ok, i need u guyss to get facebooks. and Neon, if this isnt a good enough reason then idk what is. one word:
Ok, the pics arent working, so ill tell you...
there are tons of amaxing duck tape and chuck flairs, and flairs that warn people to not park in bacon, and that say 'i trip over flat surfaces' and 'watch out everyone... im going to try science!!!' and stuff. PLEASE!?!?!?!?!
and Happy, (although livv might be more interested in this) they have penguin flairs, and chocolate flairs, and junior mint flairs, and band flairs... lotsa cool family force 5 ones...
and bex, there are tons of ones about God and stuff, and sarcasm, and i bet they have some about puppettssss....
again... PPLLEEAASSEE??!!??!!??!!
plus i never really have anyone to talk to... *puppydogg face*

thats all.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


IM TYPING IN CAPS LOCK BEACUSE I GOT MY BRACES OFF TODAY!!!!!!!! Finally!!! im so excited. i havent really been on here in a while... so heres an update.
2: Cat will (sorta not really) willingly come inside, we'll pick her up and shut the back door. when we do that she meows alot though, but it was funny this one time. we did that and she climbed up this plant hanger thing and wouldnt come down, so we had to pry her off and put her back outside.

3: Me and one of my friends wrote a piano song over break and we are going to 'write' the sheet music for it on this thing our school has, and we maybe will record it if we go down to see my cousins over the summer. Liz's friends dad owns a recording studio and she might be able to hook us up. =]
4: My brother turned 12 yesterday. On the 12th. weird.
5: I got a facebook and B, Neon, and Happy, and Liv all neeeeeeeeeeeed to get them. so i can send you obsessive amounts of flair. Haha!
6: I found out that zach is like, a foot and a half taller than me. i like barely come up to his shoulder now. its so weird!!! im used to us being like the same height....
7: ummmmmmmm, there was a really hot guy sitting in the waiting room after i got my braces off and we had a slightly akward convo... but still. his name is jeff.
8: gymnastics is sucking. i did my kip 7x last thurs, and now i didnt do it at all today. which means i have to get it at least 5x for the next three pracs. to get my hands on the wall. if id done it today, id only have to do it on thurs. and then id be good to go. but NoOoOoOoOo.
9&10 dont exsist.

so yeah......... thats about it.

OH AND I SAW TWILIGHT!!!!! Whoever hasnt seen it needs too, just because the special effects suck, and you can make fun of them. and i learned how to play Bellas Lullabye on the piano. mostly, anyway.

*sigh* terjlbkaea-gwe;rij23fhleaw2309ur. i slammed my head on the keyboard.
HEY!!! I wonder if i can type my 'name' with my nose...... -000oi834rfqadc43e=]=
woooooow. i amuse myself!!!!
try it in a comment, i double dog dare you!!!!!!!!!

(ooooh, alliteration!!!)
see ya later alligators, and not the army types that missa had on her sweatshirt.....!!!


Thursday, January 1, 2009

IT'S 2009!!!!

WOOOO! I got the first post of the year! I really don't have much to say. My mom is being a little "gag me", she says one thing, but she means a whole other thing. Ugh. My cat can go like 20 minutes with out blinking. That was really wierd. My friend Bianca likes Chris too, and I'm kinda upset, but not really. I mean, I really don't think that he'll be asking either of us out soon. So my New Year's Resolution: