Wednesday, October 29, 2008

New Blog Alert:

New blog alert: Being B. We need to get a blog list...
Ok, coment what needs on there.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Educational AND hilairious!!!!

DUUUUDE!!!! Check this out!!!
me n my bro were crackin up!!!


Saturday, October 25, 2008


This is my friend Rida singing Vienna. She did a Thousand Miles in the 6th grade talent show, and she is frickin amazing!!!!


Friday, October 24, 2008

Analizing my name. aka torturing you poor souls who are trying to forget science...

I watching West Side story at the moment. Opening scene, I recomend it to anyone with class.

So most outsiders tend to question my name. Cuz it's k00L, that's why.

But here's the synonum:



Atomic #: 10



Neutrons: 10.180





Ah, the sharks all wear blue wannabe chucks. Didn't notice the Jets.

So I'm running right now, so don't try and murder me.

When your a jet your a jet all the way from your first ciggaret 'till your last dying day....

~A many named Fowl.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


There has become a new illness... I, the main carrier and the slight discoverer of this have yet to name it. Please post all of the possible names. Anyway the ymptoms are
-forgetting an S in the word "Symptoms"
-Being lightheaded at lunch time
-Passing it on to others
-Getting a head ache while talking about it
-forgetting how to spell "happyness"
-Becoming to lazy to use spell check whishing that your headache would go away.
-Forgetting capitalization then remembering
-Loss of correct words
-Finding an abundance** of new words
-Finding new symptoms while typing with a headache about the ymptoms
-Finding mistakes that are one letter, then typing a sentence about being to lazy to fix them.
-Misplacing "R" and "F" on your words
-Typing to much becuase you want to talk about it
-to lazy to rand But NOT to lIsten
-Changing up "T" with "D"***
-Becoming hysterical (see bottom notes)
-Being bored while typing about illness, but mysteriously not being able to stop.
-Forgetting what you just typed somewhere else, then deleted to move.
-having to go to the bathroom and calling it "an Adventure" let me know if you want refrence -picture to what im talking about"
-using quotation marks instead of parenthaseese
-noticing that indeed, you are crazed and when people see what you are writing the folowing will happen:
=The dagger will stab you
= People are going to start avoiding you and your "Rodka"
-Noticing you need to lay off "your new invention****" "Rodka"
-becoming tired
-falling asleep on your -keyboarddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
-Using you shirt to wipe spit off your keyboard*****
-Asking others to solve YOUR grammer problems (refering to bottom)
-Not knowing when to shut up then realing the bar over the the right while typing and thiking "OH SHT!"
-Realizing you should stop naw
-Using LOLCAT languange such as "Naw" and "Mai"

The precoursers to this illness are subtly known to the beholder as well as the others who temporarily contract said disease. Some known or thought to be know are:

-Talking in third person
-Becoming very prophetic, or using, and proving correct, sentences such as:
=A ham sandwhich is better then eternal happyness.
-Becoming A.D.D (may have been a foreproblem)
-Partial death
-Partial rebirth
-Becoming philisophical
-sharp losses or hearing
-being VERY hungry after eating

*To:THE CDC: THIS IS NOT REAL... or maybe it is =O
**hehe... "A-Bun-Dance" XD
***Was DONe while TYping that sentence
*****the others were real these (were/are) not
Note: This has begun to disipate, but still exists.
Ima shut up naw..
Completely off topic note: AS OF 11/23/08:
Luaras': 33
Pheobes Insult marks: 17
My marks: 22
Abbys': 3
Becca:10 (really 8 but she started a day late!)
correct me if i am wrong, in all posts i will do i will do the weeks current ranking as long as this goes on. and i also chose what i lable you all on the standings =3
Anger rankings:(Winning/lowest)Abby,Becca,Pheobe,Me, Luara(lossing/highest)

Saturday, October 18, 2008

I'm dying...

I'm under the weather, my symptoms:

~Cambell is now a saint due to chicken noodle soup

~Sudafied is now a main food group

~I can't walk straight, no wait that was already a problem

~I practically coughed up a lung this morning, fuuun times.

~I'm considering taking a nap, an activity to which I am morally opposed

~tissues are my new best friend

~It's hard to keep my eyes all the way open

No worries. I'll be there on Monday, just because I'm me.


Thursday, October 16, 2008


Hello my fellow earthlings (and Beedinkidinks). Sorry to break the unwritten code of double posting, but I feel as though I can no loonger hold this feeling in. Exuse me a moment: AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! ONE WAY STREET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For those of you who don't know, I am on a puppet team and we'll be compeating tomarrow and saturday at the Puppetry Festival in a near by city. Our team is preforming
Made to Love by TobyMac and Save the Day by Phillips, Craig and Dean. I'm pyshed!!!! It is gonna be sweet! Save the day is black light hands only like this, but it's different... duh, different song, any way it's swasical (so awesome it's radical.)
I'll update later,

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Guide: A Legacy (if you will)

So I was reading our little techie's post "Cliques" and more importantly, the comments.
None of you remember our Origin? Not one? I was practically in tears reading that such a, well sorta, current event could be forgotten so easily. So here is the legacy of The Guide:

I was reading "Fang's Blog" One day in early May. I was suddenly distracted by a button at the top entitled "Create Blog". I decided to do so and immediately e-mailed my duck tape obsessed friend, Ducky. Growing impatient, for I could sense the momentum of it all, I quickly dialed her phone number. We had a phone conversation as she checked her email. It went a little something like this:
ND: Hello?
B: Ducky? Are you on the computer?
ND: I can be. (sounds of logging in...) Woah, I have a lot of new emails.
B: Skip to the one from me.
ND: I can't.
B: why?
ND: Cause, I don't want to. (Talks about Bartholomew as she reads and as I silently play the jeopardy theme.
B: Well?
ND: why not? Let's start a blog!
B: I already did. (proceeds to give user info etc.)

So it began. The next day, in language arts, we asked Dark Matter to be our techie. He, not quire understanding the audacity of the situation, agreed. He didn't do much for making the blog cool-e-o. (I'm sorry but it's true...) web addresses were dispensed with in the week and our whole crew was hooked. from there, the guide flourished, attracting viewers with comments on other flock following bloger's sites.

How's That for Memory? please comment any additional information and see earlier posts. Thatnks a ton for remembering nothing. I suddenly have thumb cramps!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

hey look at these icons!!!

AND out of my love of family force 5... this:

plus for the twilighties:


HAHA!!! love them all. plus ive got a kajillion more.

P.S. did u know that if u click on terance a few times he does some purty cool stuff!!! =]

Thursday, October 9, 2008


I'm sad cuase i want mu coffe how do you spell coffe? coffee? wow thanks spell check lol and appearantly loll is a word... but anyway this makes me sad i wanted my coffee... and SOMONE!!!!! forgot mai coffee, well the coffee that they owed me. i wants mai coffee this is a reminder by the way so its not very long. This is ment with all respect =D i was just a bit cranky.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

what a great line...

HEY!!! im supposed to be typing my essay... screw that. I found this song called "kill the director" by the british band The Wombats... i love the opening 2ish lines... it goes like so:
I've found someone that makes me feel seasick,
Oh, what a skill to have, what a skill have
So many skills to have that make a distinctive....
something something blah blah blah...

It's a great song really!!!
so anyway... i've been making friends with the feral kitten that lives under our deck. I fed it ice cream last night. And my mother is making it all skittish by touching it and it will jump away and then come back a couple minutes later. We feed it, and it comes in our house, and will get close to us, but we havn't exactly been able to pet it yet. We need to get it fixed though, cuz we dont want a kajillion baby kittens. Well i do, but you know. Im allergic, so we can't have that can we?
Dang. I think im going to have surgery when im older that will get rid of my allergies. Becuz i LOVE cats. Im really not that muck of a dog person, unless they're small. :]

So yeah.... i should probably finish typing. ugh.
u know, i really kinda hate the name pookieface.... i might change it... anyone know how??

This is going to be epic.

Okay so seeing as a few people, who I will refrain from naming *cough pooks cough liv cough* decided to bomb our totally awesome Dr. Seuss theme by dicing to go as morrily questionable bandits. (Slutty Pirates? Really guys? Really?) B and I are going as Peace and Quite. I'm gunna be a Hippie and she's gunna be a mime. w00t. Hey DM, what are you going as?

5 bucks says he's not going.
I'm going to gage your reactions,

B: whhoo! I already knew about it, and way to steal my word.

Pooks: Uhh you have fun with that...

Happy: Characteristic mocking laugh/questioning glance with optional eye roll and going whhhat?


DM: Ha I can totally picture that...

Ducky: Responding to the general indignation to my truth.

So I'm going to rack my brains for some decent poetry for the open mic tomorrow. DM, it' not too late! And then I'm going to write, and then I'm going to catch up on some geometry homework, so yeah, w00t all around for me, anyway.

~Duck Ne.

P.S Does anyone have some bell bottoms? Like intense bell bottoms. Otherwise it's off to the thrift store with me.

Monday, October 6, 2008


Why must people be commended to cliques for not using Myspace. In middle school we are condemned to being a nerd for anything except Myspace or Facebook. Some of use avoid the use of Myspace from fear, such as myself. The rest of us just don't use it period for separate reasons of which, by our accord or not, we are condemned for. After all of this we are all separated into cliques of which are like cages made of fire, or ice, metaphorically of course. The "lower classes" tend to be "ice cages" where you could try to get in you were determined enough, but afterward the felling would keep up that they don't like you that much. The "upper classes" tend to be "fire cages" you try and try but only a select few, usually the ones who can Afford fire suits, can get in the others are made fun of and pushed away in a very subtle way usually. The teachers always know about this but do nothing because they feel they can do nothing, Which of course, they can't. None of us can change this. The borders are there just invisible in an alternate reality, they are obviously there just transparent. These walls are put up by us, even the people who think the walls aren't there we put them up and keep them there to keep certain people out. This also tends to keep others we may want in, out. No matter if we want to believe that cliques exist they do there is no denying it. They are created from small things, From Forgetting homework, to not having certain game systems. From Myspace to reading. There are cliques for both extremes and everywhere in between. They are inescapable. Like black holes, you don't know what they could lead to, but weather you like it or not they can suck you in or leave you lost in the midst of space wandering what went wrong or what happened.

Saturday, October 4, 2008


I'm watching the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. It's Saturday at exactly 9:47. April's in danger (VERY NEW CONCEPT LET ME TELL YOU.) and now Rafiel and the human I forget the name of are trying to get her back. Ohhhhh and something about a terrible engagement ring that's turning her into a monster. What my question is is where are the other 3 turtles.Ohhh April's a monster now....awww ANOTHER COMMERCIAL BREAK?!?! WHy do they do tthhhat? Did you know they still sell hulk masks? This is truly a great way to spend Saturday mornings. Nerf really has out done itself, I hope B isn't missing this episode, it really is juicy. WHO cares about the channel 4 news channel?! Ohh it's back. YEAH the rest of the Turtles are back! Ohhh we can't hurt the April monster. w00t midair shoot out! They have pretty good sarcasm in the middle of combat. Random bad guy got chucked in the river. The human needs better dialoge, Oh yea April's back to being weak again, it's all over now, and diangilo didn;t get any good lines. ANd now and annoing cliff hanger,



Friday, October 3, 2008

what now?

I feel like i missed a lot... I mean really I'm really tempted just to stop here and not think about trying to catch up and you know this might just be "furthering my relationship with Edna"? cause i gotta spend time with her typing away at your guys rants... let alone make one of my own if i get bored which happens easily of course then i stop being bored because i begin typing... in which case i stop typing causing me to be bored again which means i start typing making me take like 2 minutes per word... that's right this took two minutes to type EACH WORD!!! that's right try adding it... don't tell me the answer... cause i don't know it... that's right i told you to do a math problem that i don't know the problem to its like the string theory. If you figure it out go back in time and let people know... but then they would know... and you wouldn't have figured it out... but then they wouldn't know cause u never went back to tell you.. ooh! I'm blowing your mind.. just like here!

Rules of the house:
1.Clean up after yourself
2.never die in the kitchen
3.try to not choke
4.OK.. never die in the house
5.No! don't EVER die
6.There are exceptions to all rules


Which is better, eternal happiness or a ham sandwich? It would appear that eternal happiness is better, but this is really not so! After all, nothing is better than eternal happiness, and a ham sandwich is certainly better than nothing. Therefore a ham sandwich is better than eternal happiness.

Proof that I am Dracula

(1) Everyone is afraid of Dracula.

(2) Dracula is afraid of only me.

Therefore I am Dracula.

OH! like the the fact that Edna and i have a kid? yeah we named him "kit" he is a famous movie star... you may have seen him on night rider.. yeah and how does that work? that is for me to know and guess what more mind exploders!:

Proving that 3 + 2 = 0

Assume A + B = C, and assume A = 3 and B = 2.

Multiply both sides of the equation A + B = C by (A + B).

We obtain A² + 2AB + B² = C(A + B)

Rearranging the terms we have

A² + AB - AC = - AB - B² + BC

Factoring out (A + B - C), we have

A(A + B - C) = - B(A + B - C)

Dividing both sides by (A + B - C), that is, dividing by zero, we get A = - B, or A + B = 0, which is evidently absurd.

Proving that 2 = 1

Here is the version offered by Augustus De Morgan: Let x = 1. Then x² = x. So x² - 1 = x -1. Dividing both sides by x -1, we conclude that x + 1 = 1; that is, since x = 1, 2 = 1.

Quine, p.5

Assume that

a = b. (1)

Multiplying both sides by a,

a² = ab. (2)

Subtracting b² from both sides,

a² - b² = ab - b² . (3)

Factorizing both sides,

(a + b)(a - b) = b(a - b). (4)

Dividing both sides by (a - b),

a + b = b. (5)

If now we take a = b = 1, we conclude that 2 = 1. Or we can subtract b from both sides and conclude that a, which can be taken as any number, must be equal to zero. Or we can substitute b for a and conclude that any number is double itself. Our result can thus be interpreted in a number of ways, all equally ridiculous.







Thursday, October 2, 2008

J'aime le francais... =]

I love French. lets say that now. Here's a paragraph dedicated to all my Frenchies.... it may not be true but still...
Mes amis et moi, nous aimons les magasins. J'aime l'anglais mais mais elles aiment les maths. Nous detestons les examens. Neon Duck et moi, nous adorons le velo, mais Livy aime bien le foot. J'aime la pizza mais HappyCload preferes le hamburger, et nous adorons les frites. =] Mais nous n'aimons pas les escargots. Blech.

Didja like it??? =]
Sorry Dibs and Heat Sig (ur new name...) arent in it... here ill make a short one to. if u understand french.
Mon ami Heat Signature et moi, nous adorons ecoutons (?????) de la musique. Disby aime visite la 'Guide To Nerdiocity'.

"my friend Heat Sig and me love to listen to music. Dibsy likes to visit our blog."

So yeah.

luv pooks.
p.s. im so glad me n leu are back to normal.... i feel like such a bitch.... dont kill me B!!! =]