Keep in mind I could always choose sweeney todd. Or something more meish.
Oh by the way my blog is feeling lonely, it told me to pass that along.
~Electrical Fowl.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Sorry. I had to do it.
Posted by Neon Duck at 3:31 PM 11 comments
im leavin, never comin back again
hey, im goin to cinci, b back later.
JOE FINALLY LEFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by pookieface :] at 12:47 PM 10 comments
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
I'm posting to tell you that it is a monumental day, I finished all my homework and it's only 7:37 at night!!! ha ha ha. I'm going to go edit my story which I haven't worked on since Sunday. (tears up.)
I'm not depressed too! SO I can be random!
~In American 'history' highway stores it's impossible to talk in a British accent.
~my computer mouse is arrogant.
~I finally had a decent gymnastics's practise! Doesn't change anything, sorry pooks.
~Office supply stores are going to take over everyone. Just. You. Wait.
~I named my school Cello Vincent. It's a cool name.
~DON'T STEP ON THE DIRIGIBLE PLUMBS! Oh sorry you guys don't get that. losers.
~I'm gonna go write eeee!!!!
~does anyone highly suggest any good books? And make them Neon Duck appropriate, please. B I'm not reading the Traveling pants or the clique series or what ever.
~The Beatles give me warm fuzzies.
~I like dogs.
~hhgreg employees are mildly frightening.
w00t! I'm back to normal!
Posted by Neon Duck at 4:38 PM 27 comments
Monday, August 25, 2008
Guess what???
HEY! Im at skool. IN ward's class. waiting... we arent doing anything yet... so yeah. g2g. =]
Posted by pookieface :] at 10:41 AM 32 comments
Sunday, August 24, 2008
7 Things
So, in honor of the month of Aug-ust, let's discuss the 7 thing's that make B scream "AUGGGGG!!!" To the tune of Miley's 7 Things:
Exes who won't look you directly in the eye
All the presidental candidates who lie
It's time for me to let out...
My shout:
7 things I that make me scream AUGG!!
Browies that burn;
My time is always taken over by my little brothers;
My sister's never home;
She treats me like a little kid;
And I didn't study;
Plus Pandora's going back to school...
I should've already said it,
So I think it's time it's heard,
Sometimes it really pays off
To be considered "Nerd"...
Posted by b2the3 at 3:02 PM 16 comments
Saturday, August 23, 2008
I havent posted in like forever...
Wow, i havent been on here in a while. it seems as if everyone is griping about skool so me being the optimest that i am will talk about the good aspects of school.
ummm.... well there's, no, never mind...... ummm, typing class... but that makes ur wrists hurt. well not really me becuz im used to playing the piano for hours on end, so yeah, thats ok i guess.
but its kinda boring.
Im so bummed that me and neon and me and B dont have more classes together. I have alot with happy and livvy tho. Lunch is the main highlight of my day, and even then they havent had tostitos chips to go with the salsa so ive been just eating fritos for lunch... o well.
i went to the darby game last night with HC and her cuzzin Rachael, and we saw B there. plus raul owes me a dollar i will propbly NEVER get back... like i care... anyway.. darby totally crushed 'em, 54-14 i think!!!! that reminds me of the Davidson- Darby game last year and made me want to put this up: The best senior prank ever! i remember that. I was there and it was SOOOOOOO funny!!!
I slept in till like, 11, and then watched tv and checked my email, listened to FF5's new album again, and then took a 3 hour nap, and then did like this weekends, and most of mondays geo homework and then took a page worth of notes on 1.1-1.3. i am soooo ready to be done.
Then i had a popsicle.
And now im blogging.
Why is hot pink not a color choice for fonts?? huh, huh?
Posted by pookieface :] at 3:55 PM 16 comments
I'm done. I am absolutly finished, I don't NEED to go on.
The first week was deadly. I heard all my teachers repeat the same things I've been hearing for 7 years like it's a completely novel concept. I like few of my teachers (MY LA TEACHER IS GRADING ON GRAMMAR AND SPEELING!!!!) I know how this year is going to go. ONE DIRECTION: down hill. Orchestra is about to blow up. Gymnastics isn't the best. The only thing I can cling to is my story.
~Electrical Fowl.
Posted by Neon Duck at 6:44 AM 16 comments
Monday, August 18, 2008
Memo: All People Who THINK they have School Tomarrow
This just in: School actually starts next tuesday. It will give some of us a little more time for first day of school outfits. Not to sound superficail or anything it's just when my parents were diciding wheater or not to let me pick my own outfit it didn't go too well. I picked out a peace sign shirt, rainbow suspenders, knock off chucks, jean shorts, and knee highs. Dad said "Well it's definatly you... but my vote is 'tone it down'". So I have to wear ankle socks and jeans instead. Anyway, that's currently. The keep changing it suttly. Yet Princess, my sis, gets to wear white jeans. ERGGGGGG! I almost typed "erd!" how, nERDy....
Posted by b2the3 at 5:03 PM 22 comments
Friday, August 15, 2008
...and now for something compleatly different!
So no one is writing because the dog days of summer are seeping into their brains. That's my guess.
So I am going to start by talking about absolutly nothing, as is my way.
I don't want to go to school, it's not too high on my to do list.
My muse is hungover.
I need to go shopping, something else I don't want to do.
Barthalemue misses me. I haven't been hanging out with him lately.
I'm not going to see anyone in the next school year.
Not even DM. That's not good, I need someone to be rediculasly sarcastic with.
I have to go to church today, it's a holy day.
where the heck is my freaking muse?!?!
why do I like not having anything to talk about?
I hope this school year isn't the third ring of hell.
I don't want it to be.
But it probebly will.
There's my shot at optimisum.
I'm not getting anything out of gymnastics so far.
It makes me sad.
I can't be random in this state. I think I'll go try to do something else.
Posted by Neon Duck at 1:38 PM 37 comments
Thursday, August 14, 2008
What Powers Does this girl hold over Haybug?
OK, Peeps, or uh, Dibs and cloads, and semi-aquatic egg laying mammals of sorts. ANY WAY! OK, so we got our "official" schedules yesterday, right? Haybug, who happens to be one of my friend with a blog (see Coole-0 from may). She also goes to our school. Well, Dana apperantly holds some mystical amulet or cursed pirate treasure of sorts because she has some sort of power over Hay. She's been giving complete crap to Haybug about being in honors science 9 this year. So much that Haybug dropped the course for fear that Dana would verbally torture her (i don't put it past her) second period. I finally convinced her last night not to because obliviously it's what Dana wanted all along. But can you believe her? The nerve!!!! So, we're all in that class (those who go to our school, I mean), right? Well we should totally help her study to help us study, you know? Any way just a thought. And I know, we' re gonna have the great Dana debate again, huh? Well tally up the points, then. -50 for this!
Posted by b2the3 at 7:18 AM 44 comments
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Song of the Broken
I hear what Pooks is up with, getting over Kendal, and you know what? SuperChick did this song ever ago. It's called Bowling Ball. Also check out princes and frogs When I was getting over a certain E-Coward, it was my theme song. That and Let me Be by the Turtles. Of course a week in MI and another at Camp helped 2.
Posted by b2the3 at 3:44 PM 36 comments
B is Back
Let's say that um, my friend, fell off the edge of the earth for, say 2 weeks? Also "my friend" didn't want to read through 300+ comments to learn what she missed, so any body who would like to inform me of what's been going on, w/o copy & paste-ing the whole blog preferably, will get a virtual oatmeal and chocolate cookie!
Posted by b2the3 at 1:41 PM 53 comments