I love a good italian dressing. im about to eat dinner, so that wasnt WAAAAAAAAAY random.
GUESS WHAT!!!!! to all my besties: cum join me on teenspacecolumbus.com!!! its pruty cool, and is knida like a paranoid myspace. such fun. im hxcgymnast. the end.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Posted by pookieface :] at 2:44 PM 58 comments
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Well sense in most ways you all are snails in the great hall of clocks I have to explain that I changed THE BLOG. I like it, aw Blast I'm logged on as B. well this is Neon. Hope you like it, you probably don't. But I like it, +D, sorry if you don't, I had a really strong desire to change it to the Sweeney Todd back round, but I had an irking suspicion you couldn't handle it.
~Neon Duck
Posted by b2the3 at 1:10 PM 32 comments
Thursday, July 24, 2008
I've been wondering what I should post about and I settled on NOTHING!!!! I know, w00t, right? SO in order to talk about nothing I need YOU not to pay attention so you can believe I really am talking about nothinG!
Right, so I have been losing sleep over the stupid big decisions I have to make in high school ( seriously, do I choose Gymnastics, Theater, or Orchestra!?!?!!?) and I look and my self am I'm like AHAHA I am turning into my parents!!!!! Because they always stress, and over achieve, and freak out about mundane things and that's NOT GOOD. It's genetic! I've been fighting my genes the past two weeks. I'm trying not to overachieve, not to freak out over the mundane and DEFINITELY not stress. It's not turning out in my favor, heck, I'm defeating the odds just getting out of bed. Alright so I'll go try to keep my head in one piece and you can go on your merry way because this was nothing. w00t.
~Neon Duck
Posted by Neon Duck at 6:25 AM 39 comments
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Im back too!!!!
Ok so you all know i went to Young Life camp and i was like ah-mazingly excited right!?!?!?!?!?!? Well, the ride down i hung out with Kendal, Zach, Laura, and umm, yeah, Andrea and Sara a bit. Then when i got there i was having a great time and i met some new people and stuff, and Jesus!! there are a kajillion hottttttttttt skater/ punk/ kinda Abercrombieish guys there!!! i met this drummer with a lip ring named Owen... he likes Hawk Nelson. he kinda reminds me of a kid from our school...
and i met another guy with a lip ring named Joe who's almost 16. He skates and has a little friend named Joey (who's 14), and both of them sport bandannas daily. not becuase they're in a gang though. but Joe was sssssooooo nice and he was really into me, and so i got really confused because i thought i liked him but i also still liked Kendal. So Joe hung out with me a LOT and i liked... at first. Then later I was talking to my friends Halley and Macey and Laura, and everyone but Macey said i should go for Joe, and make Kendal jelous, which will make him either want me more, OR IT WILL push him away. so you can see my dilemma. But Macey said go for Kendal because i'll never see Joe again cuz he lives in Missouri. but it gets more complicated. I found out then that Joe and Joey are pot heads and Joe was on probation so if they find out he left the state then he could go to jail. and Halley told me that Kendal told her he NEVER liked me like that which was really depressing.
So i got really confused and at the rodeo (which was at like midnightish) i was crying really hard and all my cabin peeps were hugging me. and then Zach's cabin gets up to the place and we're on the same team, so he comes up to me and is like "what's wrong??" and i couldnt talk so Kelsey said, "She's reallllllllly confused" and so he gave me a big hug. which made me cry more. Then of corse Kendal comes up and gives me a hug which makes it a little better. so after a while i stopped crying. But then i found out Joe was on our team, and so he was trying to talk to me and i was stressed i didnt talk a lot. but luckily kendal and zach got along with him ok, and all my other friends did too so i had a huge group around me which always makes me feel better. so then next day i didnt want to go through that again, so i avoided everyone who wasn't from my church, which ment blowing off Joe. a lot. which i feel REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEALLY bad about. but i had waaaaay more fun, so i guess it worked.
I went tubing and rock climnbing, and mountain biking (a girl from my cabin broke her wrist... so of course it was dangerous and i was LUVIN it!!!) and did the high ropes corse and jammed my thumb playing volleyball with Laura and some bisexual guys named Trevor (he was amazingly hottt, and nice, and gives great hugs) and Caleb (i cant think about him without laughing). They were hilarious and i really want to see them again. =] BUT... they were swimming in the lake with Kendal and found a huge leech and showed it to me and it was disgusting. Macey is the nicest and prettiest cheerleader ive ever met, and she was helping me with my back handsprings and now i can do two standings in a row on grass (no spot) and a roundoff 2 bhs's with no spot on grass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by the way, Kendal fell for macey, laura'a bf broke up with her, and korey and Halley went out and broke up. And according to Jenna i broke the hottest guy at camp's heart. oops. but i met my friend Matt's friend Stan and he's really nice and totally ripped and does this thig called parkore which i still have to look up on youtube. but him and my crazy friend Steven got along really well, and probably were the strangest most random people at camp. and there were alot of crazy people there.... trust me.
On the way back i chugged a monster and laura got mad at me cuz she said i was acting drunk and i had to sitr next to her. Then Zach chugged a one liter Mountian Dew and to anyone who knows him i bet you know how that turned out. but i crashed (it was a nine hour bus ride) and talked with these hawttttttttt U.A. guys and laura was too bummed (this was when she found out her bf broke up with her) to flirt, but me and jenna did. They were really nice though, normally i would think they would be stuck up, but no. And i got their numbers. ;D
I know you totally did not need to know this and Neon i know you think im a pathetic loser, Cload i know you think im a whore now... and B and Liv, i dont know what you will think of this. Especially since it was a Christian camp.
Young Life was amazing in the end, and alot of my best memories of summer will probly be from there. Well, i definately will have some bad memories too but you know. win some lose some.
anyway............. i love you all and missed u tons.
Posted by pookieface :] at 2:12 PM 39 comments
Friday, July 18, 2008
The rumor's true, I am in fact back.
'lo all.
I am back from the grand canyon and here's the summery:
The best wildlife we saw were a fat elk, weird squirrels that look like rats and like humans to feed them, the third where teens from California who looked at me like I was scum because I have cool foot wear.
SO there are a ton of people at the grand canyon from all over the world, we heard some perfect British accents and southern and people from France and Germany and all sorts of places. I went hiking in my awesome chucks and hat and a bunch of German teens looked at me funny (and I might add that the hottest members of the male sex are from Europe.) and at the air port they confiscated my sunscreen, because obviously if I have a container of sunscreen I must be a terrorist. Um so there you have the highlights of my trip. Oh yeah the funnest part was at the hotel and I was talking Roman and European history with my sis. great fun.
Posted by Neon Duck at 9:52 AM 32 comments
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
hey i know that i just posted... this is like my fifth one in a row. But i wanted to say Ill be at younglife camp for the next week so u wont be seeing a lot of me... i leave tomarrow... at 5:30... in the morning... yeah... but we get a charter bus cuz there's so many of us, so that makes up for it.
Posted by pookieface :] at 6:29 PM 15 comments
im bored
haha. i have to do work at the governors office becuz my mom works there and its take ur kid to work day, but i met a few guys who were my age and my sibs are here so s'all good. kinda. BUT we had lunch at potbelly and so im happy. the end.
Posted by pookieface :] at 10:36 AM 0 comments
Monday, July 14, 2008
Neon this seems like ur kind of guy.
just saying.
Posted by pookieface :] at 9:59 AM 13 comments
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Blog Award!!!!
Ok, we got the blog award!!! Thanks Kels Kels <3. so yeah, ok here are the blogs i nominate. If anyone has others, post them. I dont think i even know 7 blogs though... hmmm maybe i do!
cady lola cep (i heart ur stories)
neon duck (wonderfullness and randomocity)
amee (love ur story and ur thing about the Winchester house)
aurley (wow, so much better than mine.)
sarah and rachael (bookworms ruleeee!!!)
dark matter (how can u have a blog and have absolutely NO posts? astonishing.)
i<3chocolate (HYPERHYPERHYPER)
here are the rules...
1. The winner can put the logo on their blog
2. Link the person you received your award from
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs
4. Put links of those blogs on yours
5. Leave a message on the blogs of the people you've nominated so yeah!
Posted by pookieface :] at 10:31 AM 6 comments
I'm sorry.
Posted by pookieface :] at 10:03 AM 12 comments
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Bubbles and Cookies don't mix
Yes, it is time for my long anticipated rant. I'm baaaaaaaaack!!! So just by a show of hands, who here remembers (breaks into random song) my Nema Nema Ooo my Nemanema my Nema Nema Ooo my Nemesis? You know, Bubbles? Let me tell you, we haven't suddenly become the best of friends or anything, in fact my dis-liking-ness has grown stronger if that is at all possible. Today was Coach D's Birthday and because her mom is Swim Team President (have I mentioned this? Well she has.... a lot) Bubbles brought cookies for the 13-18 group. Oooh my, my. I have the feeling that they were SPEACIAL cookies- even if the they were store bought, Kroger could be in on it. SOOO um I had news for Pooks but I kind of forgot. I'll let you know. Oh, right!! I saw Kendal P at the pool yesterday. He was talking to his mom. I never really thought about populars having parents. Can you honestly say you've invisioned K.S.S.'s mom? I know, Random!! but I'll get over it.
Posted by b2the3 at 8:49 AM 16 comments
Monday, July 7, 2008
Titles are hard to come up with AND there's no speel check.
Hello all. I haven't died yet. Just thought you should know.
~Neon Duck.
Posted by Neon Duck at 12:54 PM 21 comments
Posted by pookieface :] at 10:20 AM 26 comments
Thursday, July 3, 2008
No title
'ello everyone ugh blast! the accent's creeping into my writing too! SO I was just going to say that I fixed the comments on my other blog so you can comment whenever....
Posted by Neon Duck at 6:59 AM 5 comments